JN Tata Endowment Indian Loan Scholarship

Are you a student in India looking for a way to pay for your degree? The J N Tata Endowment Loan Scholarship is a loan that students can apply for to help them pay for university education. The scholarship is available for students as part of a partnership between the University of Cologne and the Indian government. While it’s a loan, students will be able to apply for it to pay for their studies in INDIA. This gives students a way to get the funding they’ll need to pursue their education, as well as a chance to repay that funding in the future. The JN Tata Endowment Indian Loan Scholarship are available each year and have a wide range of benefits.

We will provide all about this scholarship. If the student is applicable for a scholarship that can apply.

About Scholarship

Scholarship Loan Scholarship (JN Tata Endowment)
Students INDIAN students
Degrees Research-Based Degrees ( Postgraduate/Doctorates / Post doctorates
Scholarship Amount Scholarship INR 75,000

Travel Scholarship INR 50,000

Loan Scholarship INR 10 lakh

Last Date B/w December and March
How to Apply Online


Scholarship Amount

JN Tata Endowment Scholarship Given loan and gift scholarship amount.

Loan Amount is 10 Lakh and Gift Scholarship Amount is INR 75,000 and the Travel Amount is INR 50,000

Eligible Students

The primary criterion is to be studying in a Bachelors in Engineering or Technology program at any recognized university in India. You also need to ensure that you have scored a minimum of 75% in your academics. You need to have a personality that will make a positive influence on the community and you should be able to give back to the community and have leadership qualities. Malaysia fully funded Scholarship 2022.

You have to send in an application and any supporting documents by the deadline that is in the notification. You also need to send a letter of recommendation from a senior professor or an established figure in the industry.

There are certain eligibility criteria that you need to meet if you want to apply for JN Tata Endowment Scholarship.

  • Only Indian Students can apply for JN Tata Endowment Scholarship.
  • Students must complete their graduate degree from the Indian institute for applying.
  • Students at least 60% marks in the previous Degree.

Process of JN Tata Endowment Indian Loan Scholarship

When the last date of the scholarship is gone then all applications are screened.

2nd test will conduct that about Thinking Skills

3rd Interview

Apply For Scholarship


Virginia Woolf

I am Virginia Woolf, the driving force behind the insightful content on Scholarships Opportunities. With a passion for educational empowerment, I explore diverse scholarship opportunities to provide you with valuable insights. Navigate through my articles for the latest updates and expert advice on seizing scholarships, also o'll add some educational news related article USA based, as we work together to shape a brighter academic future.