Japan Scholarships

Japan Hiroshima University Scholarships 2022 for International Students | JASSO Scholarship

Japan Hiroshima University Scholarships 2022 | JASSO Scholarship Hiroshima University is a high-ranked University among the World’s prestigious universities. Because…

MEXT Scholarship in Yokohama National University of Japan 2022-2023

MEXT Scholarship in Yokohama National University of Japan 2022-2023 is open now. YNU has initiated the all-English graduate program at…

MEXT Asia Pacific University Japan scholarship 2022

MEXT Asia Pacific University Japan scholarship 2022 fully funded scholarship is now open. MEXT is a special education program this…

NUCB Japan Housing Scholarships for International Students

NUCB Japan Housing Scholarships for International Students 2021 more than 20 kinds of scholarships are now open for outstanding performance…